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100% Civic Solution Now Available CIVIC OBJ: 1-10: BCCDABCDAC 11-20: ABABABBABC 21-30: CCDDCBDCAB 31-40: CBAADACBAB 41-50: CCCBBBCBDA
(1a) -Obedience to constituted authority -Upholding the rule of law in all matters -Showing good example -Peaceful protest -Correcting the younger ones patiently -Potraying lofty values (1b) -Potryaing lofty values: In such society people show honesty hardwork,patience,discipline and kindness in every of their endeavour -Upholding the rule of law in all matters: Orderliness is maintained when people do not attempt to thwart the course of justice -Showing good examples: Setting good examples like not shunting or jumping queue not giving or taking bribe,obeying traffic rules and regulations,helping the motherless or less privilegde
(1b) -Potryaing lofty values: In such society people show honesty hardwork,patience,discipline and kindness in every of their endeavour -Upholding the rule of law in all matters: Orderliness is maintained when people do not attempt to thwart the course of justice -Showing good examples: Setting good examples like not shunting or jumping queue not giving or taking bribe,obeying traffic rules and regulations,helping the motherless or less privilegde
(2a) National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religions and regions and speak different languages we recognize the fact that we are all one. This kind of integration is very important in the building of a strong and prosperous nation.
- INVESTMENT IN EDUCATION;Formal education has a vital role to play in the development and social change of human communities. For development and change to take place, education is a must. It creates the environment and conditions conducive for change to take place� education is the builder and molder of attitude and behaviour of members of the society which lend support to the process of development and change thereby helps in improving national integration among differnt ethics and culture in the country - IMPLEMENTATION OF FOOD SECURITY POLICIES; Food security is one of the monsters that target many developing countries of the world. With the majority of people in this part of the world as farmers, there is an urgent need to save the rural communities through the provision of an adequate infrastructure. Such a system would support food and cash crop production for domestic consumption and export (brings foreign funds for development of the country). It is pertinent to note that most of the rural communities are border towns. Rural people should be enlightened on the importance of the country's sovereignty and (they should be on alert) on the damaging effects of intolerance of neighboring brothers. If the rural communities are at peace, the rest of the country will also enjoy peace because they are the majority. The library must wake up from its traditional role by imbibing ideas and services that will have direct and relevant bearing on the citizenry. -RURAL DEVELOPMENT; The Urban Strategy seeks, foremost, the physical, social and economic integration of our cities and towns. This means that: Jobs, housing, and urban amenities of all kinds must be furnished in more efficient and integrated urban and metropolitan settlements. Co-locating urban functions will make cities and towns more efficient in a number of ways. Physically more integrated cities and towns would also mean shorter commuting distances and times. Such interventions will not only make individual cities and towns more efficient, but they could also have a significant effect on the national economy also other social ammenities such as good roads and electricity etc enhances national integration in the country -YOUTH EMPOWERMENT;Nigerian youths constitute the most active segment of the entire population of over 140 million people. They are the social engineers and a veritable channel or catalyst for positive changes in the rural community, in school or urban setting. These youths need love and a fair share of the national wealth. They are people with high hopes, great expectations from parents and elders in the society. At this point, it is necessary to examine the concept of youth as a prelude to an appraisal of this social group. It should be noted that differences exist in perception of the term 搚 outh� by governments, international organizations, and the public. However, the term 搚outh� generally implies a period of life between childhood and adulthood.so when youth are being empowered in all regions it creates proper integration among youth of differnt norms
(4a) -The victims of human trafficking travel over long distances before gettin to their destinations many even die on the way -There is an increase in violence and crime rate -There is increasing prevalence of STDs including HIV and AIDS and unwanted pregnancy -They suffer social alienation in the host and home countries -Stigmatization (4b)i) -WOTCLEF means Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation (4bii) -Eradicating trafficking in persons -Eradicating child labour and violent abuses of the right of women and society -Eradicating HIV/AIDS (4biii) -providing trafficked people with counselling and other services to help them successfully reintegrate into society -providing primary, secondary, and tertiary education assistance to economically poor students; -running a rehabilitation centre that offers lodging, protection, school assistance, meals, and vocational training -training youth in life skills, empowerment, confidence, and character
7. Civil society assists in building and strenghtening democracy -To limit and control the power of the state,particularly when a country is emerging from decades of dictatorship -To expose the corrupt conduct of public officers and lobby for good governance reforms -To promote political participation -Civil society also helps to develop programs for democratic civic education in schools as well -They monitor the conduct of elections and ensure that the voting and vote counting is free,fair,peaceful and transparent.
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